Simple Ways to Get Your Home in Great Shape Before a Sale

(This is a guest posting by Alice Robertson.  Alice began her career in the home organization industry as a professional house cleaner. After cleaning and organizing her clients’ homes for years, she decided to open her own home organization business. Over the years, she has built an impressive client list, helping to make spaces in homes and businesses more functional. She recently created Tidy Home as a place to share the great cleaning and organizing advice she has developed over the years.)

When you make the decision to put your home up for sale, there are so many details to think about that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. From planning for moving day to making sure your mail is forwarded to the new address, there are plenty of things to take care of. That’s why it’s important to make some of the process as easy as you can, as it’s already stressful enough. Luckily, when it comes to staging your home and preparing it for the market, there are tons of tricks and tips that will help you get it in shape quickly.

Working with the right agent is a big help because they can tell you the best ways to stage and prep your home for the area you’re in. Buyers are different everywhere you go, and they all have different needs when it comes to their dream home. Once you understand what changes need to be made, you’ll zip through the staging process in no time at all.

Here are a few tips on how to get your home into shape before you put it on the market.

Get Some Outside Help

It always helps to have an outside eye taking a look at things when you’re ready to sell your home; you see your house every day, which makes it hard to identify potential problem areas. Be realistic and honest with yourself about things that need to be changed, and let your Realtor know that you expect them to point out any issues. They want your home to sell, so it’s important that they are able to give you pointers from an objective point of view. Take notes so nothing gets overlooked, as this will help you get your home ready quickly.


One thing a Realtor may point out is the number of items in your home that are personal, such as family photos, drawings on the fridge, or collections of books or movies. While you may feel these items make your house feel more welcoming, they can be a distraction to potential buyers who want to be able to envision themselves living there. Downsizing them will not only help the buyer, but it will also help make things a little easier for you when it’s time to pack. Go through each room and depersonalize as much as possible while still making the areas inviting.

Cut the Clutter

Many people hear the word “clutter” and immediately think of tables stacked high with old magazines, countertops flooded with dishes, and toys on the living room floor. However, clutter comes in many forms. It can show up in closets and drawers rather than open spaces, and it can be found in even the cleanest of homes. Almost everyone has clutter in some form inside their homes, so take a look around the house to see what could be pared down. Keep in mind that potential buyers will open drawers and peek in closets, so you can’t forget those areas.

Use Some Design Tricks

Removing a piece of furniture from each room or painting the walls a lighter color will make the spaces appear bigger, and it will also help eliminate distractions for buyers so they can see more of the home. If possible, consider renting a storage space to keep those extra pieces in so you won’t have to shove them in the attic or basement — which buyers will also look at. Remember, home staging is important, but don’t forget to dust everything off too, especially if you’re moving things around.

Getting your home into shape before you put it on the market can take a little time, so make sure you begin as early as possible and ask for help when you need it. By staging your house the right way, you can ensure a quick sale and still get the amount you want from the buyer.