It’s a Beautiful Day in the (Safe) Neighborhood

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(This guest post was written by Stephanie Haywood of http://MyLifeBoost.comStephanie Haywood is happy to be living her best life. Personal development and self-care gave her a boost when she needed it most, and now she works to share the gift of self-knowledge, self-care, and self-actualization with everyone who visits

Neighborhood safety ranks high on the “most wanted” list of current and prospective residents. Without feeling safe, it’s hard for residents to enjoy whatever other amenities a neighborhood offers. Bike and walking paths are no longer attractive assets if residents are scared to use them. Good schools in close proximity lose their luster if we worry about our children’s wellbeing going to and from the classrooms. A pedestrian-friendly layout is only as “friendly” as the drivers who share the road.

This is why safety should be a neighborhood priority, and a shared responsibility among all residents. Here, US Delta Realty outlines exactly what it takes to make (and maintain) a safe neighborhood.

Being Good Neighbors to Law Enforcement

It’s important to build a relationship between neighborhood residents and local law enforcement. Open dialogue between residents and police facilitates collaboration to solving – or preventing – dangerous neighborhood issues. By getting to know neighborhood residents, law enforcement officers become aware of neighborhood priorities and provide tips to residents so the police can allocate their typically overtaxed resources more efficiently.

For example, understanding something as simple as what constitutes an emergency call, and what can be handled by a non-emergency responder, can mean the difference between life and death for someone else. National Neighborhood Watch notes that positive relationships with law enforcement also breed cooperative crime-prevention programs.

Deterring Dangerous Drivers

Dangerous driving is a menace to any neighborhood. Residents may be more likely to use caution around their neighbors, and also be aware of any high-traffic areas that deserve extra caution. Those driving through from other parts of the city may be unaware of speed limits, heavy pedestrian areas, or simply don’t exercise safe driving behaviors, like driving while texting or talking on the phone.

Holding constructive neighborhood meetings can be a proactive way of stemming the proliferation of unsafe driving. In fact, if you live in a shared housing complex, such as those with condominiums, townhomes, and co-ops, you’ll typically belong to a homeowners association, or HOA, that has regular meetings. These meetings present ideal opportunities to bring up security and driving safety concerns, leading to a productive dialogue about what driver deterrents make the most sense.

The Practical Consequences of Cosmetic Adjustments

When you put on your best outfit and pay attention to your personal style, it sends a message to others about the pride you have in yourself, and it builds confidence in you. The ambience your neighborhood projects is very similar. Overgrown yards, rusting playgrounds, and empty lots aren’t just unsightly – they can negatively affect property value and obstruct views of drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. They can also become fire hazards in dry, hot weather. Broken windows, run-down buildings and ill-lit streets and parking lots can be invitations to crime.

Forming beautification and restoration groups for neighborhood cleanups accomplishes so much more than neighborhood cleanliness, as NBC News reports. You are forging bonds with your neighbors, deterring criminal activity, and making law enforcement’s job easier. Set a day each month to clean, and another day for improvements, such as planting flowers, trees, fixing fences, or turning empty lots into safe play areas for children and youth. And the good news is that certain home improvements also have the added benefit of raising your home’s appraisal value.

In shared housing situations, the maintenance, repair, and security of shared spaces is part of your HOA’s responsibility, so be sure to notify them if you see something that needs attention.

The Neighborhood Family

Neighborhood residents share a great deal with one another – from favorite eating spots to playgrounds and pediatricians, to quaint books and coffee shops. Children play with each other at neighborhood cookouts and holiday celebrations. You keep an eye on your neighbors’ kids, and on their homes when they’re away. In sharing so much, residents must always remember that neighborhood safety is a “family” responsibility we also share.

Are you looking for a safe neighborhood in the Tempe area? Turn to the real estate experts at US Delta Realty. With their years of experience, they can help you find the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood.